I have been a Nurse for almost 30 years. I worked in the hospital, at the bedside, for 25 years. My last three years were in an outpatient setting, as a Nurse Case Manager. I have been honored and humbled to serve hundreds of people in their journey to wellness. I am proud to be a Nurse. Nurses are the backbone of patient care. We tirelessly give our heart and souls to our patients and our jobs. We also are notoriously known for putting everyone else first, at the expense of our health. I was in that club.
If you happen to be a Nurse, I honor you for the work you do. You make a difference. No one can truly know how hard it is to be a Nurse, unless you are a Nurse. One of my favorite Nursing jokes is as follows: A Recovery Room Nurse died and went to hell. It took her two weeks to realize she wasn't at work! LOL! To say it's a stressful job is an understatement. For years I have been feeling that something was missing in my life. I was not fulfilled in my job. I knew there was something more, something bigger I could be doing with my life. Have you ever felt that way? I wanted to leave my well-paying job as a Nurse and do what I loved. But fear and doubt kept me from taking the leap of faith. I was focused on paying the bills and being responsible. HOW would the bills get paid if I left my job? What about health insurance? Growing my 401K? Wasn’t I being selfish by wanting to live the life of my dreams? Then COVID hit. People I knew were dying. I turned 60. It made me reevaluate my life - what have I done with it? If I were to die, would I be proud of the life I had lived? The one word that welled up from taking stock of my life was MEDIOCRE at best. I re-read a book called Return from Tomorrow. It’s about a young service man, George Ritchie, who had a life after death experience. In it, he meets Christ. George was shown pictures from every moment of his life, and Christ asked him “What have you done with your life?” Whoa! Though it was the 5th time I read this book, that question hit me like a ton of bricks. It gave me my WHY, the reason to quit my job and start taking the steps toward my extraordinary life. Here is my why: I knew that if I were to die tomorrow, and my Savior asked me “what have you done with your life?”, I could not bear to look Him in the eyes and say “I haven’t done much, I lived in mediocrity, I did OK, but I buried the talents You gifted me with and let fear and doubt keep me from living the extraordinary life that You dreamt for me.” NO WAY!!!! My why gave me the strength to set a termination date from my well-paying, 401K- building, secure job. It's been eight months since I “retired”. It's been a journey! It took about five months before I could articulate what the something "more" I was supposed to be doing! I'm figuring out how to live an extraordinary and fulfilling life, and I want to share how to do it with you! It all starts with what we feed ourselves - our body, mind and spirit. I'm honored and humbled to have you here with me. Comments are closed.
AuthorSpiritual Foodie, Chef, Holistic RN, Healer Archives
January 2025
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