I am a confessed Foodie. I call myself a Spiritual Foodie because I absolutely love all kinds of food. You know, food that feeds the soul as well as food that feeds the body. I search for sustenance from both kinds of food. I think about it all the time.
I spend hours a day, sometimes 16 hours a day preparing food, tasting it, and talking about it. I’m referring to both kinds of food. The possibilities of what to create continually fascinates me. But that’s just one reason I love food. I also love it and respect it for the power it has. The power to heal, to soothe, to bring family and friends together, or keep people apart for that matter. It has the power to bring joy and buoy one’s spirit. Food has the power of being passed down from generation to generation. It has been referenced from the beginning of time - Eve ate the forbidden fruit. In the Kumulipo, the Hawaiian Creation Chant, Hawaiians trace their lineage back to kalo, or taro, which is food. These unique and diverse histories that incorporate food, are found in every culture of the world. Think about that for a minute. Wow! When I make something my Grandma used to make, I feel her close to me. Food has the power to overcome death by keeping love alive.
So the next time you sit down to a meal, take a moment to think about the power of food. Be present. Eat joyfully my fellow Foodies!
I have a Life Coach, Ley-Ann. She’ great. We have a 45 minute session on the phone every 2 weeks. In our last session she was complimenting me on all the progress I’ve made personally and with growing my business. I laughed while she was singing my praises which led to a whole conversation on why I discount my progress. Oh boy, gulp!
It’s so much easier to recognize and acknowledge my faults. I do that every day. I had a HUGE AHA moment when I was talking to my brother, Vaun, after my session with Ley-Ann. I was bemoaning how slow things seem to be going, despite my 50-80 hours of weekly work I put in. I want so much to change the way people prepare and eat their meals by making it a time of mindfulness and gratitude. Despite all the work, my circle of influence is not where I’d like it to be. He started to tell me that I was doing great, I’ve come a long way, and to keep up the good work. I clearly heard a voice in my head that said NO I’M NOT, NO I HAVEN’T to every positive thing he said about me. I could figuratively see myself using a tennis racket to lob the compliments back to him. That’s when it hit me I am the one blocking my progress, I AM NOT ON MY WAY BECAUSE I AM IN MY WAY. Oh boy, another big gulp! So I decided, right then and there, that I will get out of my own way by receiving every compliment and let it enter my heart. I acknowledge my daily accomplishments, even little ones like figuring out how to look up my Costco receipt online. I literally patted myself on the back for that one and it made me feel good! I am striving to be as kind to myself as I am to others. It takes work because for 62 years I have been beating myself up for not being perfect, for not being techy, for having a hard time focusing, ETCETERA! How about you, dear fellow Spiritual Foodie and Sustenance Seeker? Do you praise yourself for work well done? Are you as patient, kind, and forgiving with yourself as you are to others? No matter who we are, I think we can all use improvement in this area. As you go through your day, think about if you are on your way or in your way. Start acknowledging your goodness, your gifts and your greatness. Do this, and you will be well on your way to making this world a better place. Be mindful. Eat joyfully. We are all blessed with things we are good at - singing, music, art, dance. One of my gifts is cooking. I love to cook and the ideas that come to me are in an abundant supply. I am frequently reminded by my friends who have gifts in other areas that cooking can be scary to them because they think they will ruin the recipe. I get that. I feel that way about drawing.
Having a fearful attitude weakens us. So if I go into an art class with fear, telling myself “I can’t draw” that is certainly going to affect my outcome. If, however, I go into the art class with a positive attitude, telling myself it will be fun and look forward to what I can create, that too will certainly affect my outcome and will improve it dramatically. Henry Ford’s quote is so true - whether you think you can, or you can’t, you are right! So, if you are not confident in your cooking skills, let go of the fear of failure. You cannot fail if you start your meal preparation with a prayer of gratitude or an intention to have fun! Be present, think about the people you are making the meal for (even if it’s just you) and send them love. It is such a gift to eat food that has been made with love. I have lots of videos to walk you through many recipes. Let me hold your hand through the process and soon you will find you are more comfortable and actually enjoying the process. Let me know if there are any recipes you would like me to video, I would be happy to do that. Be present. Eat joyfully. Making soup helps me to slow down. I love going out in my garden and picking herbs to add into my soup. It’s impossible not to stop to smell the basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme. I usually throw 3-4 herbs in the pot, regardless of what the recipe says. I feel like the herbs go in as friends, and by the time the soup is done, they’re family.
There is something so satisfying about soup that nourishes our mind, body, and spirit. A pot full of ingredients that synergistically improves as it simmers; the rich aroma that wafts through the house and neighborhood. It’s pure comfort. Why? Maybe the satisfaction comes from choosing what you want to make, and getting it in a short time. Making soup teaches us a Life Lesson: decide what you want, do the work, reap the rewards! It teaches us to joyfully anticipate the end result while being present in the moment while you are creating your masterpiece. I have my favorite recipe for Posole and Chicken Soup here on my website and YouTube Channel. Take the time to make some soup. You will be fed on so many levels. Click on link: Pozole /Posole Be mindful. Eat joyfully. |
AuthorSpiritual Foodie, Chef, Holistic RN, Healer Archives
January 2025
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