We’ve all heard of Horse Whisperers. I’m a Food Whisperer in reverse, and I’ll bet you are too.
Food whispers to me all the time. Different ingredients offer specific guidance. I went to the Farmers Market the other day and brought home some lovely herbs and vegetables. As I was handling the Italian Parsley, its personality came through. It said, and this was not a whisper: “I am strong! I am bold! I am authentic! I am sturdy! I am confident! I am proud to be me!” Whoa! I could really feel that was true. I also knew, from experience, that it lasts a long time in my refrigerator, it stays fresh, and a little goes a long way. As I got more present, I felt the invitation from the Italian Parsley to take on these traits. I next went to the Cilantro, also called Chinese Parsley. Its energy felt feminine to me. I could hear her say, in a demure way, “I am delicate, I am beautiful, I too am proud of who I am and how I add flavor to your creations. I am perfect the way I am”. Next was a large gorgeous purple eggplant. Again, I got a feminine sense. I felt she was comfortable in her skin. She was delighted with her roundness, her width and depth. Wow, I definitely could follow her example! I assure you, I’m not crazy. I believe God talks to us in a million ways. One way is through food. So the next time you cook, pay attention to what your food is whispering to you, because you are a food whisperer in reverse! Baba Ghanoush
Every year, I institute my version of March Madness by cutting our monthly budget to $100 max for eggs, milk, fresh fruit and veggies. The rest of the time we live out of what’s in our fridge, freezer and pantry. It’s amazing how quickly that pot roast you got on sale at Costco gets put in the back of the freezer and forgotten.
You can adjust this to your needs. If your budget is a lot smaller, say $300 a month, I’d suggest that you set aside $50 to buy fresh produce, milk and eggs. If you have a garden and friends with fruit trees, you can cut it down to $25 for basics. Tailor it to fit you. Tips:
Mai's Fried Rice I was working on an exercise to help me discover why I really wanted certain things.
Step 1 is to write down something you desire. Step 2 is to describe the experience you want from it. Step 3 is to go deeper and ask yourself the feelings you are seeking by having the desired item or circumstance. Here is one of the things I wrote down:
The amazing thing is that as I continued to write the list of things or circumstances I wanted, my end result in step 3 remained the same for the next 3 desired outcomes. My aha moment came when I saw that self-acceptance, self-worth, and self-appreciation was the deepest experience I desire. This includes feeling safe with what is, aka trusting God/Source that everything is as it should be. Take some time to try the exercise for yourself and discover your own aha moment. Ronda, a mentor of mine, says if you want to get from A to B, just go straight to BE. That same thought has been said in other ways by Wayne Dyer, in The Having, by Suh Yoon Lee, and by so many other thought leaders. It comes down to being in the feeling of having. Go straight to FEELING what you desire. This will bring you the desired outcome. Did you get that? You’ll know I got it - I’ll send you a picture of my dream home. Send me a picture of what you manifested; I’d love to see it! |
AuthorSpiritual Foodie, Chef, Holistic RN, Healer Archives
January 2025
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