I learn a lot from my sister, she rocks! Her name is LaVerna, and she helps me with the tech part of creating my content and getting it out to you. In our last meeting, she was showing me how to do things, as I shared my computer with her. She said to be curious, click on buttons and drop downs to see what your options are. Dang! That is good advice for learning tech and living an abundant life. Being curious is a pathway to more options. I love it! Thank you LaVerna! She clicked on various things and was able to find a short cut for something we were working on.
Here is another example: I purchased a Lenovo computer 13 months ago. Exactly two weeks after my one year warranty expired with them, my screen broke, just by the simple act of lifting up my screen. I purchased the laptop from Costco. I did not see an additional fee for an extended warranty. I ASSUMED that because I didn’t see an additional fee for an extended warranty, I didn’t get one. NEVER ASSUME - it’s the opposite of being curious, and thus closes doors to your possibilities. So, I was curious, and called Costco Concierge, and while on hold, it said, “we offer an additional one year warranty on many of our electronics, as an added value to you, our customers”! Ha! So after speaking with a Costco representative, he confirmed I have an additional 1 year warranty! Being curious saved me close to $400. That was the quote to fix it at a local computer shop. Alright my fellow sustenance seekers, that’s the recipe for abundant living for today. Next week, I’ll share one of my favorite recipes with you, that taught me to persevere when things got messy!
99% of the time, I use fresh, high quality ingredients, it truly makes a difference in your eating experience and in your life. You are what you eat and if you ingest the best, you feel your best. Well, today I made a dipping sauce to go with the gyoza (pot stickers) I made. I used a sweet soy sauce I bought on line and it didn’t taste quite right - uh oh. I tried doctoring the flavor by adding other delicious tasting ingredients. It was a waste of time and quality ingredients!
In life, we often try to make things better when we have something distasteful going on. Like me trying to make my first marriage work, when I knew in my heart it wasn’t going to, no matter how much I put into it, no matter how much I gave, no matter how much I tried to be what I thought he needed. I love being a Spiritual Foodie. It means I’m always seeking sustenance and lessons to learn in whatever I’m doing, how about you? I do a lot of cooking, so I see life’s lessons in my recipes. Here are a few: Carefully select your ingredients (aka, friends, partners, career). Make sure it suits your palate. Sometimes you just have to taste it (experience it) to know. If it doesn’t suit your taste, take immediate action and choose something that does. Don’t try to change something, ie: make your partner better, by “adding” other ingredients to cover up a core flavor. Have the guts to start over. Like I did with my dipping sauce, I threw the first batch out and made a much better one. And like I did with my first husband. I didn’t throw him away, but I had to find the strength to leave him. It was one of the hardest, most painful things I’ve gone through. I had to admit I made a mistake choosing this core ingredient in my life. Pay attention to expiration dates. As the bible says, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Are you acting like you did when you were a teenager? Maybe it’s time to recognize a new season and take responsibility for your life, your health, your happiness. It truly is up to you, no one else. The more love you put into your work (cooking, career, yourself) the better the outcome. I invite you to seek guidance and direction when you cook and pay attention to what comes up. Ask God and the ingredients to speak to you, and they will! I have a great Life Coach, named Ley-Ann. Before every session, I let her know what I want to focus on for the session. I told her I'd like help believing in myself; help staying plugged in to Source, and to get off the rollercoaster of self-doubt. Like any good coach, she said that the answer to that was within me.
We started a modified version of Napoleon Hill's "Invisible Counselor Technique". This is described in Think And Grow Rich, written by him in 1937. He said he could tap into the wisdom of anyone he invited into his boardroom. He would invite great leaders, past and present, to join him at his table to discuss topics he was seeking guidance and wisdom. I've done this meditation before, and it has always proved to be powerful. So prompted by Ley-Ann, I pictured a favorite place of mine - our old Kahalu'u home, outside, in the yard, overlooking the ocean. I imagined sturdy, comfortable lawn chairs that my Grandpa built. I had a buffet of sumptuous salads, and a charcuterie board with juicy delectables to suit every palate, and the best homemade lemonade you have ever tasted. Ruth was my second guest. (She followed Gandhi, and was followed by Jenna Kutcher. They all had wonderful words of wisdom for me.) I invite Ruth in and what a spit fire she is! She briskly walks in, dressed in a business suit no less, hair pulled back, lipstick, and ready for action…. Almost impatient for me get down to business! She has a no nonsense air and exudes a helluva lot of strength! I tell her it’s a dream to have her here with me and to sit with me and enjoy my food. (of which she gave no mind to, and continues to stand) I tell her I invited her here to glean her wisdom and I ask my question, How do I stay plugged in and believe in myself so I can make my vision of service come true? She gives me a very hard and stern look, a stare, really, like she can’t believe I am really asking that question. And then she says NEVER STOP! NEVER STOP! NEVER STOP! Look forward to doing everything you choose, it will come to fruition. I ask Ruth, Where does your strength come from? What makes you think I can do it? Again the look, and then the answer: Because you are a WOMAN. Women's role is to change the world for the better. We are best at this. THERE IS NO REASON FOR DOUBT. She is already turning to leave. I yell my appreciation and ask, may I invite you back? With her back to me, her wave tells me both yes and good bye. Wow! I will leave my messages from Gandhi and Jeanna for another time. The experience leaves me feeling a bit stunned. I really feel like I met with each person and received the guidance and wisdom I was looking for. Ley-Ann reminds me that the messages really came from me. Well, it came from my imagination, but I believe it also came from Gandhi, Ruth and Jenna, in some kind of cosmic and magical way. This technique is available to everyone. Try it! You will truly be amazed. Napoleon Hill's experiences are very well documented in his book, check it out. It blows me away that Mr. Hill tapped into something that, even today, can be considered woo woo. But as Jenna Kutcher often says, this is where the woo meets the work. Recipe for today:
I remember my 3rd Grade Teacher, Mrs. Tavares, saying "first we work hard, then we can play hard". I'm really good at the first part. How about you? I work so hard that there doesn't seem to be any time left to play. When was the last time you did something for the pure pleasure of it?
I have a Life Coach, Ley-Ann. She helps me to be my best self. She pointed out that my schedule had way too many tasks on it. She told me to lighten up a little after seeing my scheduled morning routine. Here it is below. What do you think? 05:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m.
Too much? I really felt like I was following the guidance I had gleaned from being coached, from all the many self development books and podcasts I've listened to, and the many courses I've taken. But I wasn't paying attention to how I was feeling about what I was doing. I have been hell bent on getting that morning routine done. The bulk of the rest of the day is spent learning new technology to grow my business, taking courses, listening to podcasts, creating meaningful content to share. My session with Ley-Ann helped me to realize, I forgot to include play in my day, and the main reason I retired early was to get out of the rat race, so I could enjoy my life. I didn't realize I created another rat race!! So this past week, I focused more on enjoying my day. My 2 top priorities for the morning is to exercise and meditate. I released myself from getting everything done. I focused more on how I was feeling. There are literally hundreds of videos, classes and podcasts I want to watch. Tony Robbins did a Time to Thrive 5 day challenge this past week that I felt obligated to watch, largely due to the FOMO effect used in advertising (the fear of missing out). When I asked myself if watching it was a priority, the answer was no. That was so freeing!!! I focused on prioritizing what I wanted to get done each day, and paid attention to my happiness gauge. If I was feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, I took a few minutes to look at why, then asked myself what I needed. It's so easy to listen to outside voices telling you what's best for you. Really, the best thing is to let your gut be your guide. I am responsible for my happiness. I'm in charge of my life. I'm in charge of my own schedule. I took time to play this weekend. It was so fun! I sewed some very cute bowl cozzies (basically hot pads for your bowls - you put your bowl of food in it, then in the microwave so you don't burn your fingers). I spent some time organizing a FEW things. The organizing wasn't that fun, but the END PRODUCT was! I watched Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore with my husband - it was awesome! We went for an hour long bike ride to Kailua Beach and then did the Lanikai loop - fantastic! It was an incredibly beautiful day here in Hawaii nei, and it felt SO GOOD being out in it. Here are my takeaways (aka Mai recipe for delicious living):
AuthorSpiritual Foodie, Chef, Holistic RN, Healer Archives
January 2025
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