A Secret Sauce makes everything taste good. Do you have one? I do, several in fact! Before I share one of my favorites, I want to talk about a Secret Sauce for life. I received some much needed guidance and clarity this morning during my prayers and meditation. Spirit showed me that I have been looking for happiness outside of myself. I’ve been waiting for something to happen to make me happy, like getting my own cooking show, having my videos go viral, earning an abundant living doing what I love. The list goes on and on. The recipe I’ve been following in my head is: I'll be happy when __________, fill in the blank and I have a lot of blanks to fill in. Here is the guidance I received, it’s been around for eons, and it is Universal Wisdom for every Human Being - Happiness comes from within, you generate it, so don’t wait for something to happen to be happy, BE HAPPY NOW. That sounds so simple, but it is actually life changing! My new recipe is: I choose to be happy! It really helps to count your blessings. After just one minute of counting my blessings, I was happy. Try it! One more thing to make you happy and everything taste delicious is this recipe for Ginger Sauce. I love it on tofu, veggies or noodles. Happy Ginger Sauce ½ cup minced ginger 1 cup chopped cilantro ½ cup minced chopped green onions 4 cloves chopped garlic ¾ cup light vegetable oil 1 -2 tsp salt, to taste Add all ingredients to a blender, and pulse for 30 seconds. Be mindful, eat joyfully. Link to full recipe: Happy Ginger Sauce.pdf
Do you find yourself asking that question or feeling frequently like you are not good enough? Me too, and I'm working to change the belief that I'm not good enough.
I have a life coach and we just had a great session talking about beliefs. I'm going to share it with you in hopes it will help you, just as much as it helped me. As author Brene' Brown says, "I'm daring greatly and being vulnerable". It all started out by my asking for help prioritizing the never-ending list of things to do. She asked me what in my "to do lists" are musts? I answered exercise, spiritual connection, meditation, and creative artistry. I told her that I believe these three things are part of my holistic health; that I believe my health is my wealth. She then asked a doozy of a question: "What about rest? You have not mentioned rest as part of your health." Oooooooh, gee, guilty on that one! LC, my coach, is great on so many levels. She reminded me to congratulate myself on doing so well in getting those three things in every day. It's important to acknowledge your accomplishments, every day. The meat of our session was that I believe that I have to get "it all done", I have to be perfect, in order to be enough. Does that ring true for you? LC reminded me that being perfect is unattainable and that I need to give myself grace. She told me my belief of I have to be perfect, is just that and I can change my beliefs. But before we got in to how I can change my belief, she asked me how this particular belief, that I have to be perfect to be enough, benefited me. Great question! Here are my answers:
How does that belief cost me?
Next, she asked me to list the benefits of changing my belief to "I am enough just as I am". I can rest!
Now, the greatest question, what will it cost me to change my belief? Oooofh! What? It's going to COST ME? Yup...
Wow, so good, right? We then uncovered that feeling not enough is equivalent to feeling not worthy. I was brought up to believe that if you keep God's commandments, you will "prosper in the land". I inherited my Dad's interpretation of that, which meant, you will be financially rich. When I was in my late 20s, my Dad mentioned that maybe "prosper in the land" didn't mean financial wealth. WHAT?!?! I had totally ingrained that in my psyche and work ethic. What's a poor mama to do? I'm going to have to find something else to base my worth and value on besides money or the current definition of PROSPER that I have been choosing. I freely admit that I have a goal of having millions of dollars in the bank. I'm not changing the goal, but as ironic as it sounds, changing my belief that I am enough right now, will help me get to it. Isn't that mind blowing? So, to start, I now define "prosper in the land" as owning my home, having a wonderful garden, being blessed with wonderful friends and family, having healthy food to eat every day. During our coaching session, these words came to me: I create my abundance through peace. I look forward to believing and living THAT! I'll be honest, it's going to take some work for me to change my belief. But I fully see the benefit of doing so. Will you join me in believing that you are good enough, that you are worthy, right now? . When I was growing up we ate breakfast and dinner together as a family, every day. As I got older, gathering at breakfast became too hard as my mother went back into the workforce. But dinner at the table remained a constant.
By the time I was a mom, gathering our little family was hit and miss. I worked 12-hour shifts as an RN and got home after Jasmine was in bed. Looking at most American lives, it appears that the dinner table has been lost. It’s been replaced with hastily chomping on something on the way to volleyball, or some other extracurricular activity. As a nation, we have lost more than our dinner table. We’ve lost cherished family time - hearing about each other's day, learning about and discussing current events. With no table to gather around, our meals are not as appreciated or relished. I find this tragic. There are only two of us at home now and I’ve recently reinstated eating at the table, not in front of the TV. We put our cell phones away. We are present and eat joyfully. It’s been nice. We give thanks for our food and ask for it to be blessed as well as ourselves. We look into each other's eyes and have a real conversation. It’s wonderful. I encourage you, as hard as it might be, to gather at least twice a week. Find your lost table. Take off all the books and bills and miscellaneous stuff that has been stockpiled there. Dust it off and use it to establish and deepen relationships with your loved ones. You’ll be so glad you did. I want to change the way you cook and the way you experience your food. Making mealtime a daily ritual of slowing down, connecting to Source, making the time to be grateful for what you have, it’s all a step in the right direction. The results of this simple act of eating at the table will have rewards that enrich your life and the lives of those you gather with for generations to come. |
AuthorSpiritual Foodie, Chef, Holistic RN, Healer Archives
January 2025
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