It’s easy, ANYONE can do this. We have a monthly grocery budget of $600. Every March, and sometimes later in the year, I institute Mai version of March madness by cutting our budget to $100 max for eggs, milk, fresh fruit and veggies. The rest of the time we live out of what’s in our fridge, freezer and pantry. It’s amazing how quickly that pot roast you got on sale at Costco gets put in the back of the freezer and forgotten.
You can adjust this to your needs. If your budget is a lot smaller, say $300 a month, I’d suggest that you set aside $50 to buy fresh produce, milk and eggs. If you have a garden and friends with fruit trees, you can cut it down to $25 for basics. Tailor it to fit you. What NOT to do: The bite of wisdom offered here is: Use what you have, live within your means. My Grandma grew up very poor and was always saying "waste not want not". I love that because it follows what I believe is a spiritual law that nothing is wasted. Comments are closed.
AuthorSpiritual Foodie, Chef, Holistic RN, Healer Archives
January 2025
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